1. The registration for current students this week. Please use this link to fill out the registration form online. Also, please print out the attached Medical and Photo release form and bring the check payable to Saratoga Vision Chinese School to the office to complete the registration. The tuition for a school year is $800 per student. siblings of 2 get $50 off and siblings of 3 get $100 in total.
Families who completed the registration on 3/7 and 3/14 will get a punch card good for 10 orders at Snack Shack in the 2025-2026 school year. Please take advantage of the opportunity.

2. Registration for new students starts on 3/28. We welcome friends and family to contact us and arrange a sit-in. We do not accept walk-ins. Thank you for your cooperation.

3. To parents, students and teachers, please do not dispose of food items in the trash cans in the hallway. Thank you for your cooperation.

4. To ensure students’ safety, we ask parents of lower grade to volunteer in the classroom . Thank you!

5. Our school email address is: info@svchineseschool.org. Please check out our  Facebook page for updates. The weekly announcement will be sent out on Wednesdays posted on the school website on Thursdays. Please check the website for updated information.

6. Thanks to Jean for preparing the egg rolls for the children. This week, Snack Shack is excited to introduce Uncle Gustavo’s “Triangle Rice Balls” (onigiri), available for only one dollar per order. A big thanks to CFL parent Gustavo for preparing them for the children! Remember, last year’s triangle rice balls were a huge hit among students and teachers alike, so don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Weekly Announcement Week 22 - Mar. 5, 2025

​1. 親愛的家長們,本週將開始校內舊生新學年註冊!請用這個連結填寫學生資料,除了上網填資料之外,別忘了還要印出填妥Medical and Photo release form,連同$800元支票payable to Saratoga Vision Chinese School, 在週五交到辦公室,才算完成報名手續。為了減輕家長負擔,同時有兄弟姊妹在本校就讀者,第二位可以減免$50元(兩人一共$1,550),第三位減免$100元(三人一共$2,000)!

​2. 3/28起將開放新生及校外轉學生註冊。歡迎家長分享給對本校有興趣的朋友家長,來信安排旁聽事宜!我們不接受當天要求的旁聽,感謝大家的配合。

3. 請家長和老師提醒孩子不要把食物垃圾丟到教室裡或走廊垃圾桶裡。感謝大家配合。

4. 為安全起見希望二年級以下的班級家長能夠輪流在教室協助老師、陪伴孩子使用洗手間。謝謝。

5.  慧景中文學校 e-mail: info@svchineseschool.org, 學校 ​​臉書 頁會不定時更新, ,通訊每週三會寄出,星期四會公布在學校網站。請家長多多利用網站查詢學校資料。

6. 福利社報吿:感謝上次上課Jean阿姨貼心幫忙準備好吃的「春捲」給孩子們!

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